202 Burnt Ridge Road, Red Deer, AB, T4S 0K6 | (403) 347-1711
Vaccination Protocols - Feedlot
There are many different vaccines made by many different pharmaceutical companies. These are just our recommendations. If you have used a different vaccine in the past and are happy with the performance, we can order that type in for you or recommend something that is similar.
*Farm Calves from cows vaccinated LIVE every spring:
Live vaccines are the optimal way to vaccinate your cow herd. They offer the best coverage against the diseases but should be used ONLY when recommended. If used improperly, they could have a devastating effect on your cow herd. If you are uncertain as to use killed or Modified Live ASK us! 1. Inforce 3 - This is a 2ml intranasal vaccine that covers Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Parainfluenza-3, Respiratory Syncytial Virus. This is a vaccine is recommended for new calves and can be given at birth or within the first few days of calving. It provides good protection against viral pathogens and is meant to provide coverage until 6 weeks of age at which time regular branding protocols can be initiated. The efficacy of this vaccine in our herd has been very good and it is especially well suited for pure bred herds calving early in the year with increased stocking densities. 2a. Vision 8/ Somnugen - This is a 2mL Sub cutaneous vaccine that covers Clostridium chauvoei(Blackleg)-septicum-haemolyticum-novyi-sordellii-perfringens Types C & D. As well as Histophilus somnus Bacterin-Toxoid (this is the "Blackleg" Vaccine) We recommend that calves receive this vaccine at 6 weeks of age and again at weaning time. 2b. Ultrachoice 8 - This is a 2ml Subcutaneous vaccines that covers Clostridium chauvoei(Blackleg)-septicum-haemolyticum-novyi-sordellii-perfringens Types B C & D Bacterin Toxoid. This vaccine does NOT contain Somnus and is recommended to be given to cattle over one year of age. It is a KILLED vaccine and is included in all of our adult cattle protocols. 3. Bovishield Gold FP5 - This is a 2 mL Sub cutaneous vaccine that covers two types of Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), Infectious Bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV), Bovine Respiratory Parainfluenza-3(PI3). These are LIVE vaccines and should only be given to pregnant cows that have been previously vaccinated with live vaccine or open replacements. 4. Bovishield Gold /OneShot - This is a 2 mL Sub cutaneous vaccine that covers Mannheimia haemolytica as well as Parainfluenza(PI3), Respiratory Syncitial Virus (BRSV), Bovine viral Diarrhea (BVD) This is a LIVE vaccine and is included in all of our calf protocols. This protects your calves against the summer time bacterial and viral pneumonias as well as priming the immune system for fall weaning protocols. *Farm calves not from vaccinated cows - these are the 'KILLED'`protocols.
When in doubt use this protocol. If you bought cows from a source with unknown vaccine history, use this. It is safe, and won`t compromise the safety of your herd. The cost is marginally higher and it does not provide the same level of protection as live protocols. 1. Inforce 3 - This is a 2ml intranasal vaccine that covers Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Parainfluenza-3, Respiratory Syncytial Virus. This is a LIVE vaccine and is recommended for all new calves. 2a.Vision 8/ Somnugen - This is a 2mL Sub cutaneous vaccine that covers Clostridium chauvoei(Blackleg)-septicum-haemolyticum-novyi-sordellii-perfringens Types C & D-Haemophilus somnus Bacterin-Toxoid (this is the "Blackleg" Vaccnine) We reccommend any animal under one year of age receiving this vaccine. It is a KILLED vaccine and is included in all of our calf protocols. 2b.Ultrachoice 8 - This is a 2ml Subcutaneous vaccines that covers Clostridium chauvoei(Blackleg)-septicum-haemolyticum-novyi-sordellii-perfringens Types B C & D Bacterin Toxoid. This vaccine does NOT contain Somnus and is recommended to be given to cattle over one year of age. It is a KILLED vaccine and is included in all of our adult cattle protocols. 3. CattleMaster 5 - This is a 2 mL Sub cutaneous vaccine that covers two types of Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), Infectious Bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV), Bovine Respiratory Parainfluenza-3(PI3). These are KILLED vaccines and are safe for any animal.
Alberta Veterinary Centre Vaccine Protocol:
At birth or within first 7 days - Inforce 3- Intranasal (IN) at 4-6 weeks of age:
At weaning boost with:
2cc under the skin (SQ) on all vaccines
Cows- at preg testing or at Scourguard Vaccination:
Replacement Heifers- 2 to 4 weeks before breeding:
2cc subcutaneously on both vaccines
Replacement heifers at preg testing: